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Mar 12, 2024

Following a successful Moon landing, the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) is setting its sights on a new celestial target: the Sun. On September 2 at 11:50 a.m., ISRO will launch its pioneering space-based observatory, Aditya-L1, with the aim of unravelling the Sun's secrets.

ISRO has extended an invitation to the public to register for the opportunity to witness this momentous launch from the Sriharikota space port in Andhra Pradesh.

Named after the Sun God in Hindu mythology, Aditya-L1 will be ferried into space by the Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle-XL variant (PSLV-XL). Initially placed in a low earth orbit (LEO), the observatory's trajectory will then shift to an elliptical orbit. As the spacecraft progresses towards its destination at the L1 point, it will break free from Earth's gravitational Sphere of Influence (SOI).

After this departure from SOI, the observatory will enter a cruise phase, followed by insertion into a spacious halo orbit encircling L1. This intricate journey, spanning around four months, will position Aditya-L1 approximately 1.5 million km away from Earth.

In contrast to the distance between Earth and the Moon (approximately 3,84,000 km), Aditya-L1's strategic placement yields distinct advantages. "A satellite placed in the halo orbit around the L1 point has the major advantage of continuously viewing the Sun without any occultation/eclipses. This will provide a greater advantage of observing the solar activities and its effect on space weather in real time," expounds ISRO.

The observatory boasts seven payloads for scrutinising the Sun's photosphere, chromosphere, and corona using electromagnetic, particle, and magnetic field detectors. Positioned at the special vantage point L1, four payloads will directly observe the Sun, while the remaining three will conduct in-situ studies of particles and fields at Lagrange point L1. This configuration enables vital scientific insights into solar dynamics within the interplanetary medium.

Aditya-L1's seven payloads have the potential to furnish essential data for comprehending phenomena such as coronal heating, coronal mass ejections, pre-flare and flare activities, space weather dynamics, particle and field propagation, and more, according to ISRO.

The primary objectives of the Aditya-L1 mission encompass studying solar upper atmospheric dynamics, chromospheric and coronal heating, plasma characteristics, initiation of coronal mass ejections and flares, and in-situ particle and plasma environments. Furthermore, it aims to delve into the physics of the solar corona, its heating mechanisms, diagnostics of plasma in coronal loops, development and origin of Coronal Mass Ejections (CME), magnetic field topology, and solar wind dynamics.

The Sun, estimated to be 4.5 billion years old, is composed of hydrogen and helium gases, serving as the primary energy source for the solar system. The Sun's core reaches temperatures of up to 15 million degrees Celsius, where nuclear fusion generates its energy. The visible photosphere's temperature is relatively cooler, at around 5,500 degrees Celsius.

As the closest star, the Sun provides a unique opportunity for detailed study. Understanding its eruptive phenomena and energy releases is crucial due to their potential impacts on spacecraft, communication systems, and even astronauts. The Sun's extreme thermal and magnetic phenomena create a natural laboratory for studying otherwise inaccessible occurrences.

ISRO underscores that all seven payloads aboard Aditya-L1 are indigenously developed by various Indian laboratories, contributing significantly to advancements in solar research.


The above article has been published from a wire source with minimal modifications to the headline and text.