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Every Titan In Hearthstone, Ranked

Apr 06, 2024

Here's every titan in Hearthstone, ranked!

Titans are a brand-new minion type from the Hearthstone expansion that shares their name. While they are minions, Titans in many ways don’t function like their normal counterparts. They can’t attack when first played, and instead have three abilities they can activate once, one per turn.

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After all three have been used, the Titan can attack as usual, but it’s these abilities that you are playing them for. In their eponymous expansion, each class got a Titan of their own. Let’s see which of these godlike beings is truly the most powerful.

Khaz’goroth is basically just a big meatball with some bonus effects. Now, that doesn’t mean he’s useless; far from it, in fact.

His abilities mean he will usually kill a minion when played and give you an extra ability to boot. Since he’s so versatile, Khaz’goroth will be playable in many different Warrior decks.

However, the competition from the other Titans is stiff. Even those at the same cost just do more than Khaz’goroth does. As a result, an exceptionally powerful minion ends up at the bottom of the list.

Watching your Titan get taken off the board by hard removal will always be painful, but losing Norgannon is a particular blow. His gimmick revolves around him using more than one ability, and despite being one of the cheapest Titans and having relatively high health, he'll still die to cheap spells like Obliterate or Siphon Soul.

On the other hand, if Norgannon is allowed to ramp up, those abilities of his will rapidly spiral out of control. You can cast some of the most powerful secrets in the game, lock your opponent out of their turn, or just hit them with a massive amount of damage.

There aren’t too many Mage decks that don’t want those effects.

Amitus is one of the midrange-focused Titans, designed to be played alongside a wide board of other minions. Her innate effect is clearly powerful in such scenarios, protecting your minions from damage-based board clears and giving you a massive edge in minion combat.

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And her abilities reinforce that theme. The Empowered ability buffs your board, while Pacified weakens that of your opponent.

Meanwhile, Reinforced allows you to re-fuel, buffing any cheap minions you draw and allowing you to play minions with strong effects for cheap.

Argus, The Emerald Star has an odd collection of abilities. Crystal Carving could be strong in a deck built around Deathrattle minions, but even then, getting a random one often won’t be all that useful despite the significant mana reduction it comes with.

Meanwhile, summoning four Elementals can be a strong defensive tool when combined with Argus’ innate effect, but it's not game-winning.

But then there’s Show of Force, which is an obviously dangerous ability. Assuming you aren’t running a normal amount of minions (which, admittedly, Demon Hunter has been known to not do), it can result in a staggering amount of mana manipulation. And few decks are going to turn that down.

Sargeras, the Destroyer is the latest in a long line of Warlock cards that create an Imp-summoning portal, and he appears to be the first truly viable one. Getting infinite value has always been appealing, but Sargeras’ abilities are crucial to the card's success.

Inferno! is the least useful of the three, as summoning a pair of 6/6s is merely good, rather than great. You also get a panic button in To the Void!, allowing you to wipe the board clean if necessary.

But Legion Invasion is the real star, completely shutting down aggro decks that don’t have a way to push past your waves of Taunted Imps.

The Primus is a powerful control option. Each of his abilities provides you with a tool for a specific scenario, whether it's cheating mana and getting Spell Damage with Runes of Frost, putting up a sticky defensive wall with Runes of the Unholy, or healing yourself and simultaneously making The Primus harder to kill with Runes of Blood.

And each time you activate one of these abilities, you get even more value from the exceptional power of Death Knight cards. Crucially, since he lacks a Rune requirement himself, The Primus can be played in any Death Knight deck, giving him more opportunities to find a place in the meta.

To the Control Priest player, Aman’Thul is a truly beautiful minion. He does everything they could possibly want: Vision of Heroes will summon a big Taunt minion with Lifesteal to defend you, and Strike from History basically deletes two minions from existence, ignoring any Deathrattle and Reborn effects they might have.

Meanwhile, Shape the Stars allows you to copy a powerful minion you chose to put into your deck or to take one from your opponent.

And with each ability used, you gain value in the form of a Legendary minion. There are quite a few bad options in that pool, but the Discover effect allows you to weed out the worst of them.

It shouldn’t be a surprise that Druid—the mana-ramping class—got the most expensive Titan. And Eonar, the Life-Binder’s ability to summon 5/5s with Taunt will keep both her and you from dying once you do eventually play her.

It also helps that all three of Eonar’s abilities are immediately impactful. Bountiful Harvest is the most obvious example, as it can save you from a desperate situation in the same way Reno Jackson once did.

Meanwhile, Flourish lets you get Eonar and a 5/5 for free, then take your turn as normal. And while Spontaneous Growth doesn’t have the same immediate effect, that amount of card draw is nothing to scoff at.

Assuming you are playing a Druid deck that isn’t all-out aggressive, Eonar is going to be a worthwhile inclusion.

Most of the Titans are at their best when played on an empty board, unimpeded by enemies and not needing allies to find success. But V-07-TR-0N Prime is explicitly designed to be played along with a second minion.

Since each of its abilities triggers again on an ally, having another minion around doubles V-07-TR-0N Prime’s effectiveness.

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In most circumstances, your best bet will be to open with Maximize Defenses!, allowing you to keep both minions alive so you can use one of the other abilities on your next turn. And with those other abilities drawing you cards and dealing damage, V-07-TR-0N Prime becomes an exceptional tempo-focused minion.

Agramar, the Avenger isn’t as flashy as some of the other Titans, but it turns out that playing a six-mana 3/7 that comes with a powerful weapon is just strong. That’s especially true for Hunter, a class that generally wants to beat down the opponent as quickly and efficiently as possible.

You’ll usually opt for Swift Slash as your initial ability choice, as the extra attack dramatically increases the weapon's effectiveness. And if you get an extra bonus on top of that because Agramar survives, like summoning a Taunt minion or drawing a card, even better.

As a result, unless the meta is flooded with weapon destruction, Agramar is a minion that will see play in a wide variety of Hunter decks for a long time.

Golganneth, the Thunderer's most enticing feature is that he gets to cheat mana as a constant effect. Sure, the effect only works on a specific type of card, but that’s an easy enough condition to get around, and you can continue taking advantage of it for as long as Golganneth stays alive.

That alone would push him near the top of the list, but his activated abilities are strong as well.

Drawing three Overload cards you can mana cheat will probably be the option you choose in most circumstances, but the other two can also be strong defensive tools if you are facing down either one big minion or a wide board. And on top of all that, Golganneth is one of the cheapest Titans at six mana.

Next: Hearthstone: Every Hero Power, Ranked

Lucas is a freelance writer who has been playing video games since he was introduced to I Spy and Math Blaster as a kid and never looked back. These days, he plays more RPGs than educational games, though.